Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mickey Higdon (Continued)

Mickey Higdon (continued)

The schedule is  pretty busy with volunteer work, therefore not many hobbies as such. The roses are still enjoyable but they seem to get more difficult to grow each year. Smoking meat on the grill is a new thing for me and the family seems to like it as well. Last week, I smoked 3 briskets for a fall party that was held by Billie's grandson. I think he ate about 1/2 of the meat. I generally cook brisket or pork shoulder but my newest item is a smoked jalapeno. People seem to like them as well. 

As you know, I am affiliated with the ball club through the Clarksville Little League. (VP of the Challenger League).  My involvement with the kids centers around organizing the league itself.  I send out registration forms in January, process all paperwork, select the uniforms and order them, send out newsletters to the families, organize an "Opening Day" event where I introduce all players before our first game, provide cold drinks to all players and coaches after every game, order trophies and organize a year end banquet. Billie and I are involved from January through July and the past couple of years, we have been fortunate to be awarded a grant from the Horseshoe Foundation which takes additional paperwork. We play on Thursdays in May and June and I leave the play itself up to our 2 coaches who work great with the kids. 

I am a member of the Clarksville Redevelopment Commission. We are granted tax dollars through a TIF taxing district which we manage to make road improvements and general infrastructure improvements within the TIF District. We meet monthly for 2 to 2.5 hours and I am the VP of that commission. When I first became involved, we were involved in the development of the Veteran's Parkway corridor area, where Sam's is located. That has brought a big retail boom to our area. We have also completed road projects on our other 2 major roadways in the town. We branched out a little and completed a $5M renovation of our Little League which will provide a great place for our youth to play for many years to come. I was asked to spearhead a committee to dedicate the new facility and we worked about 1 year on that. It rained that evening but we had the ceremony indoors in the Vacant Value City building and it went well. 
Billie Higdon made a quilt with many of the
CopyCorp shirts.  Thank you Billie!

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